What is a TROJAN?

Trojan is a program that has malicious code right in the inside. But it looks harmless but it’s going to cause damage. So, what happens is the attacker creates that trojan. And they have the attack software the malicious files, they wrap it in innocent looking program and then make it available over the internet. And the target of the trojan opens it up, runs it. The Trojan can create a covert channel back into the command and control network of systems. The trojan can just attack or transfer sensitive data, destroy stuff, all kinds of problems.
How do you know that your organization or Pc is been compromised by TROJAN ?
So how do you that your PC is been compromised by Trojan Attack?.So these are the indications:
- The computer screen blinks,flips upsaide-down,or is invered so that everything is displayed backward.
- The default background or wallpaper settings change automatically.
- Web pages suddenly open without input from the user.
- The color settings of the operating systems (OS)change automatically
- Antivirus programs are automatically disabled
- Pop-ups with bizarre messages suddenly appear.

Below are the Common ports used for Trojan Attack

Types Of Trojans
There are many different types of trojans, including remote access. So these are actually called RAT(Remote access trojans), backdoors, botnets, root kits. So back doors, root kits, they give complete access at the root level or administrative level to an attacker to that system and it’s almost impossible to find the back door of the root kit while the operating system is running.

A botnet allows that system to be part of other systems that are being controlled by an attacker to attack other locations. E banking awaits till you go to a financial site and then attacks you.
Point of sales, usually going to be on a cash register. And really these days, the cash register is just a pc running a point of sale application .
Defacement they change your system, they change websites, they do, graphical changes to a system and then we have service protocol and mobile for your phone and iOT trojans and Software disabled Trojans that’ll take down your anti malware antivirus software.
Destructive trojans that destroy data,delete things,Crash your system.
Ddos attack trojans again, making you part of that botnet.
And then command shell Trojans which gives the attacker the ability to get a shell, which would be a command prompt or a terminal onto a system. So they could control part of the application, part of the operating system.